Attack On Titan is a world known anime created by Hajime Isayama that explores profoundly the racism and war that happens in the real world. The story telling and symbolism in Attack on Titan is like no other anime out there, Attack on Titan represents a never ending war of pain and suffering due to racism and the different cultures people around the world belong to.
Attack on Titan's ability to merge real world problems such as racism and giant monster like creatures makes it stand out from the other animes. Eldia is an island in "AOT" that it is told that it belongs to the devils by the Marleyans, this is due to the eldians being at war with them in the past, but the Eldians are not aware that there is other human life. In Eldia, there is a kingdom with walls surrounding it because of the monsters that eat humans outside the walls. The Eldians face systemic oppression, just like real-world minorities. This theme is amplified through the use of insults such as "Eldian devils," emphasizing the dehumanization experienced by the oppressed group.
At the end of Attack of Titan we are made aware of Eren's real motive to destroy every other race in the world, and that was to reach peace. The conflict between Eldians and Marleyans becomes a metaphor for the destructive nature of armed conflicts in our own world. Russia and Ukraine are an example for the representation Attack on Titan portrayed in the show, illustrating the tragic cycle of hatred and revenge that results in a never-ending cycle of violence.
Attack on Titan represents the racism and war that happens in the real world. Eldians and Marleyans are different races and fight each other because of religion and past wars.
Through its exploration of discrimination, war, and the morals of conflict, the series challenges viewers to reflect on the social structures and power dynamics that cause to real world tragedies.
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